Friday, June 3, 2011

Kymee or Baby Gaga?

5 Things you would never do with your first born

5.Dye her hair pink
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ~ and Mandy loves hair dye. She's been asking to do this forever, and I'm mother of the year in her eyes for having enough of a sense of humor to say "yes."
It does accentuate her eyes - don't you think?

I'm obsessively opposed to the typical.
~ Lady Gaga

4. Let her eat junk food

So, one day I feed Kymee some foam from my frappuccino and say, "I know I shouldn't do this." Grandma quietly admits she's fed Kymee whipped cream. Stephan speaks up, "Well I've feed her chocolate." Emylee, "I snuck her the inside of a twinkie." Andres and Grandpa, "Icecream."
Everyone admitted they thought they were the only one doing it, and they wanted to bribe her so they'd be her favorite!
Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.
~Don Kardong

3. Divafy her

This is so much fun. When Emylee was little, we were so blessed to receive hand-me-downs because we were dirt poor. I dressed her in what God provided. But I have to admit, that God has blessed me this time around by allowing me to choose clothes I like for Kymee!

Divas are not made, they are born.

~ Fiona Apple

2. Spoil her rotten

I told Emylee I was worried. I'm about to have two grandsons, and they'll only be a little over a year younger than Kymee. I have to be a "mom" to Kymee, but I'll want to spoil my grandbabies. Emylee started laughing histerically, finally she said, "Don't kid yourself, Mom, you spoil Kymee rotten!"

I figure, I've had 2 14 year old girls - I know the truth - she won't always want me to hold her tight and snuggle into my neck. I'm going to enjoy it while I can!

Never fear spoiling children by making them too happy. Happiness is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow. .
~Thomas Bray

1. Trust your instincts

With my firstborn, I read all the books, listened to older wiser moms, and tried to do everything "right." I called the pediatrician if my baby didn't match the chart for their month in "What to Expect the First Year." Someplace between my first and my fifth, I realized: GOD GAVE THIS CHILD TO ME. HE TRUSTS ME. I SHOULD TRUST ME. There is no one like Kymee. God placed her in my home because He believed I would be the best one to raise her for Him, and to give her pink hair.

I still read the books (when do kindles run out of memory?) I still look for good, godly advise. But I spend more time praying and studying God's Word to answer my parenting questions. God is the ultimate example - it took me five kids to "get" it. Maybe my friends with only 2 kids aren't as hard-headed as me.

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.
Is. 40:11

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