Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Scream and Point

Kymee was evaluated by ECI (a state funded program run by the school district for kids too young to go to school) to see if she qualified for Speech Therapy.

This is what 19 month-olds are supposed to be saying:
"The vocabulary of a typical 19-month-old toddler may consist of as few as ten words or as many as 50. Yours may be able to link two or more words together, and is starting to use more "action" words. Verbs like "go" and "jump" are common, and so is linking a verb with her name (or pronoun), as in "Come me," meaning "Come with me." (It will be some months before she inserts the preposition.) Many 19-month-olds are also well-versed in direction words such as "up," "down," "under," "out," and "in."

This is what Kymee is doing at 19 months: 
"Kymberlee is waving bye-bye and uses signs and gestures to request what she wants. She is imitating several sounds: h,m,n and vowels. She can vary her voice to use inflections, and uses 5 verbal words and 4 signs consistently. Her sound repertoire is still limited related to her cleft palate. She is not eligible for therapy." 

This is what they really mean:
Kymberlee uses signs and gestures to request what she wants = She smacks you to get your attention
She is imitating several sounds = she growls like a lion, and barks like a dog
She can vary her voice = she screams loudly
She uses 5 verbal words = that are only understood by over-compensation, over-zealous loved ones
Her sound repertoire is still limited = she can't speak
She is not eligible for therapy = Because she can point and scream, we don't have to spend money on her therapy, you do! 

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